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Key differences between men and women (purchasing Aesthetic treatments)

Let's take a look at some very important differences between how men and women purchase and experience aesthetic treatments. Understanding how men are different will allow you, as a provider, to excel at consulting and treating Flycatcher's clientele.

Mens' aesthetic goals

When it comes to health and beauty, men and women don't typically share the same goals. 
Rather than "looking more attractive", men want to look less stressed and more rested.
Goals can vary based on age and generation. While older Millennials, Gen X, and Boomers aim to slow and reduce the effects of aging (rather than turning back the clock), younger millennials and Gen Z will be proactively focused on preventing the signs of aging.
Whatever the age, most men will have the goal of maintaining a natural and masculine look, avoiding the obvious indicator that they "got work done".

Mens' experience 

What Flycatcher offers – and what you know as an aesthetics professional – is entirely new for many men.
It's not as common for men to have conversations about aesthetics with their friends, as women do.
Men are also not as familiar with specific treatments and brands like women are (ex: Microneedling, Sculptra, Hydrafacial, etc.). Because of this, women more often know exactly what they want when they enter a medspa practice.
Man: "I don't like the bags under my eyes, what can you do for me?"
Woman: "I've read about these different treatments that you do and I know exactly what I want."
Men, more so than women, tend to exhibit poor behavior that can accelerate aging. This includes higher rates of smoking, more UV exposure (with less sun protection), and less commitment to a skin care regimen.
Most men will not have a complicated self-care regimen at home, if they have one at all. Using more than a simple face cleanser and perhaps a moisturizer is a new concept for many men, especially older generations.
For these reasons, educating our male clientele is critically important. They don't know what you know as a skin care professional. The good news is that men WANT to be educated. They want to understand WHY you are recommending a certain treatment or product. 

Selling to men

Generally speaking, men are straightforward and uncomplicated. Our packaging and pricing of services reflects this.
They can also be overly logical and fact-oriented. They will be decisive but not necessarily impulsive (i.e.- emotional) when making buying decisions.
Men will not be as price-conscious when seeking treatment as long as you align your recommendations with their goals. Again, education is the key to reducing price resistance.
Rather than being transaction-focused, men will put more value on their overall journey and experience.
All of these characteristics come into play when faced with selling men retail products. You will not "sell" a man on a complicated multi-step at-home skin care regimen in one visit. Recommend two products at most during a visit. Build up from there with each subsequent visit. The goal isn't to make one big sale, it's to help our client slowly and surely build up and maintain a healthy at-home regimen.
"These are the two products I'm recommending for you today. Here's why...". 
Men tend to be more aspirational than women. For this reason, you need to sell the transformation (i.e.- the outcome), not a brand. You're not selling Botox or Hydrafacial, you're selling a makeover that's going to change their life in some way. This is why you focus on outcomes, not specific treatments or brands.

Treating men

Beginning with a consultation and formal treatment plan is important for male patients because, again, they typically do not have the same baseline knowledge that women have. 
The "why" behind a recommended treatment is important to men. As is understanding the science behind it and potential side effects. Do not over-promise when discussing potential results of a treatment. Rather, set reasonable expectations.
Men will be less tolerant of downtime after a treatment. This is why they gravitate to non-surgical treatments.
Men are also less tolerant of pain compared to women. The saying, "beauty knows no pain"  does not apply to male clients. Comfort and minimizing pain is extremely important with our male clients.
Men appreciate convenience and speed. They want to come in, get the treatment, and get out. It's not about being pampered. Men are more pragmatic in this sense.
Men will prefer a more one-and-done approach over multiple treatments and visits. They also tend to minimize treatments. For example:
Provider: "You'll need three syringes."
Patient: "I'll take one."
Provider: "You will need two more treatments for best results."
Patient: "I'm fine with just this one."
This can be very challenging for providers. Follow-through and compliance can be a real concern, not because of lack of results, but because the male patient is content and doesn't prioritize follow-up appointments. Men can also be very stubborn when it comes to post-treatment regimens and aftercare.
These concerns can be lessened by educating your male clientele right from the start and throughout all treatments.

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